Cultural City of Europe Organisation – Thessaloniki 1997 (OPPETH)
Total value: 
GRD 2.45 billion in current values at construction time, including VAT
1995 - 1999
3.200 m2
Project Description: 

The project concerns the construction of an Open-air Stage for Music and Drama, Redevelopment of the surrounding area and restoration of the Forest. More specifically, the following interventions are being carried out:

Ι. Open-air Stage Music and Drama Events: an open-air theatre of a capacity of 5,000 seats, of an amphitheatre style, is being constructed in the area’s north side. The Theatre is in full harmony with the natural environment. The venue’s uses include classical (not amplified) and contemporary music concerts, ancient and modern drama, opera and dance performances. The following works are being carried out: Construction of the audience seats, planting before the space’s rocky walls,  improvement in the rocky walls’ slope, construction of a stage, construction of audience facilities, auxiliary areas and sound insulation equipment, redevelopment of open areas, construction of a service ring-road to facilitate traffic of supply, service and maintenance  vehicles and fencing.

ΙΙ. Restoration of the Forest: Works include the construction of sound barriers, pedestrian streets and planting in the surrounding area of the theatre, opening of a road off the service forest street, construction of a square and a lighting network for pedestrian streets and fencing. The total space covers an area of 25.000m2.

ΙΙΙ. Outdoors Parking Lot: An open-air parking are is being constructed to cater for the needs of both the theatre and visitors in the area.

The Project is currently in its final stage of construction.

Scope of Services: 

Our Organization in coorporation with other firms (our participation rate is 44 %) has provided the following services for the specific project:

  • Project management
  • Preparation of Preliminary Study
  • Preparation of the Tender Documents
  • Monitoring and Control of the Design
  • Preparation and Implementation of scheduling and financial plan
  • Technical supervision of the construction and  equipment installation,
  • Organisation of the Final Commissioning of the Project
  • Support in securing financing.