Ministry of National Economy
Region of Eastern Macedonia - Thrace
Total value: 
Ecu 704 millions
1995 –to date
Project Description: 

The Ministry of National Economy, in concurrence with the E.E. XVI General Directorate and after an international tender, awarded to our Organisation the contract for the Program Management of the Regional Operational Program of East Macedonia and Thrace 1994-1999. This is the Operational Program, which, within the 1994-1999 Community Support Framework, performs the most significant portion of the Regional Development Plan. It is the financially larger Regional Program in Greece, excluding those of Attica and Central Macedonia. The Program finances among others:

  • Road construction works
  • Port construction works
  • Sewage treatment projects
  • Health units and training facilities
  • Educational training programs
  • Agriculture and stockbreeding development activities
  • Local Government Bodies development projects
  • Research and Technology programs
Scope of Services: 

The role of our Organisation in this project is to provide the following, main services: 

I.     Provision of Services to the Programme’s Implementing Agencies

Such Services include the following:

  • Systematic cooperation with the Agencies implementing the Programme’s Projects and assistance to appropriate planning and more effective organisation of required means for the Projects’ prompt realisation and achievement of expected developmental results.


ΙΙ.    Services to the President and the Secretariat of the Monitoring Committee (MC)

Such Services include the following:

  • Preparation of recommendations to the Chairman of the Monitoring Committee
  • Systematic cooperation with the President and secretariat executives of the MC, provision of full and continuous briefing on details of various Programme projects
  • Preparation, in cooperation with the MC Secretariat, of the Annual Reports submitted by the Ministry of National Economy to the relevant agencies of the European Communities, in accordance with the Regulations. 


ΙΙΙ.   Cooperation with officials in charge of Subprograms

Such cooperation includes:

  • Assistance and support to officials in charge of Subprograms in collecting and presenting data on the financial and physical progress of the Programme.

IV.   Services rendered to the Monitoring Committee (MC)

Such Services include the following:

  • Participation in MC meetings.
  • Credible and objective briefing of the MC on crucial issues involved in the Program and presentation of processed alternatives to secure that the right decisions are taken on time.


As a part of the above contractual obligations, the required Management Reports were submitted including the following:

  • Monitoring financial and physical progress of the Projects financed by the Program.
  • Performance problems, required actions
  • Recommendations for modifications (financial data – actual object)
  • Actions required by the Monitoring Committee for timely corrective measures to improve performance
  • Special recommendations for problematic works or agencies for the performance of the works
  • Definition and clarification of the basic characteristics of the Projects financed by the Program, to include:
  • accurate definition of physical object
  • realistic and updated cost assessment
  • the performance timetable
  • financial sources
  • adherence to the procedures for the accession of the works
  • Adherence of  the above to the requirements and contents of the Technical Sheet of Projects as well as their alignment to the general National and Community legislation (environment, Procurement, Competition etc).


To meet complex Program Management obligations, our Organisation rapidly developed a continuously updated Management Information System, to monitor the financial, physical and time progress of the projects financed by the Program.